Yannathan Boot Camps

Small group sessions in Yannathan

Our Trainers cater to your unique goals so you never get lost in the crowd

If you are looking for a boot camp in Yannathan then we have a few questions for you to ask.

  • How many people will be in the group?
  • Can the Trainer cater to my unique needs?
  • Will I get lost in the crowd?
  • Do I have the ability to perform the exercises safely on my own when the Trainer is busy with other group members?
  • Does the time and location suit me?
Boot Camp in Yannathan

The better alternative

If you’re unsure about the answers to these questions we have an amazing alternative Yannathan boot camp – it’s our small group Personal Training! Capped at just 8 people, and with groups matched up to other people of similar ability levels and goals, you know you are always going to get the right session for your unique needs. If we don’t have a time that suits you, you can make your own small group and book in a private Personal Training session, then share the cost between you!

Fun and motivating workouts

We still offer all the fun, motivation, functional training, boxing, kickboxing and other exercises you know and love, but just in a smaller, more intimate environment where you won’t get lost in the crowd. Each session will be suited to your exact needs. Come and experience the difference personal attention can make!

Boot Camp in Yannathan