56 Different Ways To Do Push Ups

A lot of people ask us how we can provide amazing results for our clients without having a whole gym full of fancy equipment. One of the things that Fitness Enhancement does so well is use the tools we have to provide incredible variety for our clients. Whether we just have a ball, a set of... Read more »
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Improve Your Explosiveness

Some of the best drills for improving your explosive strength, both for upper and lower body! Professional sprinter and Fitness Enhancement franchisee Matthew Eddy shows us the techniques for these exercises, they are great to incorporate in your normal routine to get a higher intensity and to challenge your muscles.
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Stronger legs and a stronger mind!

These squats with kicks will optimise your work out with more intensity and therefore a higher calorie burn. Your legs will get stronger and leaner, and in addition to this you will be able to work through any frustrations you are dealing with by kicking the bag until you have sorted all that out.
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Pull ups for upper body strength

Pull ups are a great exercise for your entire upper body, they activate multiple muscle groups and anyone can do them. You don’t believe me? Have a look at this video and we will show you how you can start practicing pull ups. This is a great exercise that you can do at home or... Read more »
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How to make push ups easy

Many people think push ups sound and look scary, they automatically think that push ups are not for them and that they will never be able to do them. Watch this video for some easy ways to start doing push ups, this way you can start on a beginner level and progress as you get... Read more »
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Exercises to reduce lower back pain

This episode, we are teaching you how the Plank is such an effective tool to aid in the elimination of Lower Back pain. If you have ever sat at your desk all day then when you have finally stood up, felt some sort of pain in your lower back, this is a sign those muscles... Read more »
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The world’s best cardio machine

We have so many options on the Gold Coast, but we reckon that this is one of the world’s best cardio machines. It burns around 135 calories in 10 minutes and you can use it at home rain, hail or shine. If you don’t think it’s the best, you’ll certainly agree it’s the best value... Read more »
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Maximise Your Leg Strength

This exercise is excellent for leg strength and takes the squat to another level. If you are heading to the snow this winter this exercise will definitely help you staying in the slopes for as many hours as possible with alert and fit legs! As a bonus you are also working your arms, they will... Read more »
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Workout Videos

Exercise Videos Online food and exercise diary Available to all clients for free! Use it to complement your training sessions and track your calories your carbs, fats and protein. Easy to use and customised around your goals, it’s as simple as entering in everything you eat and drink and letting it calculate how you’re going.... Read more »
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