1. Set a goal
Just like with the New Year, setting a resolution and a goal for the year is the beginning to success, especially now when we are in the middle of winter and inspiration is running low, set a new goal or refresh the New Year’s resolutions so you can get back to being focused.
2. Use your tax return wisely
Your tax return is like forced savings, all of a sudden you have this lump sum of money that is easy to get rid of with a few extravagant purchases. BUT! Invest your tax return into something that is good for you and your health, it is the perfect time of the year to use that extra money on something that will make life better for you (read; PT sessions, new workout gear, sign up for a fun obstacle course).
3. Enjoy winter weather
We are mid winter and the air couldn’t be more fresh and crisp, so why not enjoy it by being outside. This time of the year is excellent for exercising outside and you can do it at any time of the day. Enjoy the gorgeous surroundings and the cool air, because the heat will be back before you know it!
4. See your doctor
Tax time reminds us of the benefits we have in Australia where we can see a doctor for free, make sure to take advantage of this and go for your yearly check up. That is definitely good for your health!
5. Clean and delete
A couple of times a year it is good to do a good clean out of the house; go through clothes, toys, magazines, handbags, and clean out all unnecessary things, you will feel tonnes better afterwards! Some of it you might be able to sell and that will be an extra plus starting off this financial year. Also, delete unused apps on your phone, clean out the email inbox and Facebook friend list, get rid of negativity and focus on happy things that contribute to your life in a positive way!
Check out last winters Fitness Enhancement fit tips and 9 ways to make the most of your winter workout!