The time to start is now, what are you waiting for?

Finally! The Kids are back at school, and the last of the holiday disruptions are behind us. We can start to settle back into our routine and get our lives back on track! If you have promised yourself you were going making a healthy change in 2018, but you haven’t started yet, the time is now! Unfortunately, when it comes time to actually take the first step, there’s always a reason to wait until tomorrow. Then tomorrow becomes next week, next month, and next year.

What’s your excuse?

Maybe you think you don’t have time. Maybe you’re scared that you’ll fail. Maybe you just don’t know how or where to begin. Maybe you’re not motivated and you need some accountability. Maybe you’re at home with the kids all day. Maybe you think you can’t afford it. If you really want to make a change, you need to identify what it is that’s holding you back. Sit down and really think about the reasons you’re giving yourself (or your partner or friends) for waiting. Whatever reason you might have for waiting there is a way to overcome your barrier and get started.

Waiting to be happy

A sad consequence of waiting to start is that we often tell ourselves that we’ll wait to be happy until we achieve that goal. “I’ll be happy once I lose weight.”

Every day you wait, is a day wasted. There’s no reason why you can’t start making small healthy changes right now. You can enjoy your life and be happy WHILE you’re working towards that goal! There will never be a perfect time to start. There will always be work, stress, kids and all those other excuses you keep finding. The answer is not waiting for the right time, but MAKING the time. A one-hour workout is just 4% of your day, and even if you can’t complete a whole hour of exercise all at once, you can accumulate smaller increments across the day.

Set a goal

Set yourself a goal – not just a vague goal like ‘I want to get fit’, but a SMART goal – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. Write your goal down, and share it with your partner or friends to help keep you accountable. Then set yourself three tasks you can do today to start towards your goal. Start small, and build up, you might start by going for a 10-minute walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and choosing a salad instead of a burger.

Let us help you

start getting healthy


If you are really struggling to get started on your own, or just don’t have the motivation or knowledge to make it happen, working with a Personal Trainer might be right for you. Fitness Enhancement has an option to suit everyone, we have Mobile Personal Trainers who can come to you for one-on-one or small group Personal Training, and we can work around your time and location to make sure it’s the most convenient option for your lifestyle. We will give you the accountability and motivation to get started and keep going!

Start right now

So you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by making a start today. Whatever your first step might be, maybe it’s sending a text to a friend, maybe it’s putting on your running shoes, maybe it’s cleaning the junk out of your fridge or maybe it’s filling out our enquiry form below. Whatever that first step is, do it now. Not in 5 minutes, not tomorrow, but right now! Don’t give yourself time to talk yourself out of it. GO!




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