Exercising on Bondi Beach

Personal Training in Bondi ParksTired of exercising in the gym? Why not head down to Bondi beach for a workout that will leave you exhausted in one of the most iconic and scenic places in Sydney.

With it’s huge expanse of white sand, Bondi Beach is an ideal place to workout either on your own or with a friend or two. So what exercises can you do on the beach?

Soft Sand Running

Work up to longer distances slowly. Soft sand running places extra stress on your lower limbs and joints in particular your ankles. Start with a few minutes and increase the duration slowly until your body is accustomed to the new terrain.

Set up, or chose existing, markers approximately 30 meters apart and sprint as fast as you can.  Use the walk back to your starting mark as your recovery and repeat.

Draw five parallel lines in the sand approximately 10 meters apart. Run from the first to second line, touch the line and return back to the first line, without resting run to the third line, touch the line and back to the first. Continue until you have run to the last line and back to the start.  Shuttle runs are a simple tool to dramatically increase your fitness.

Shallow water running

A great low impact alternative to both road and sand running.  You can bet you’ll get a full body workout once that surf starts knocking you about.

Bear Crawl

Start on your hands and knees. Lift your knees off the ground while keeping your hips low. Move forward by stepping with your right hand and left foot, next step left hand right foot.  As an alternative, try using same side hand and foot to step.

Bear Crawl down to the water, run in waist deep water for 20-30 meters, then bear crawl back up the beach.

Don’t forget all your standard body weight and core exercises such as jump squats, walking lunges, push ups – they all become that little bit harder on the soft sand.