Auto immune disease
In 2013, Simon was diagnosed with an auto immune disease, and it took about 18 months for the specialist to get his ongoing medication dosage correct. During that time, Simon put on a lot of weight and he lost his general fitness. In late 2014, he decided that he was going to start doing Personal Training which he commenced in the new year. His goals were to get his weight back to a healthy level for the long term, and in conjunction with this he wanted to get his fitness back so that he could get back into road cycling which had always been his passion.
Reaching all goals
Combining Personal Training and dietary management, Simon has gotten his weight down from 98 kg in July 2014, to 78 kg now! His fitness is well past where it was before his illness and he has got his cycling back on track, Simon has smashed all goals! When he started doing PT, he struggled with half hour sessions but now he looks forward to his three one hour sessions per week. He enjoys the guidance, mentoring and variety of exercises his Trainer Ida provides, she also knows when to push him a bit harder.
Simon says “If I worked out on my own I would probably slack off.”
Future Goals
Now that Simon has achieved his goal weight he is concentrating on strength training. The new goal is to produce lean muscle to assist mostly with his cycling as he has a couple of big rides he would do. The first one will be in 2016 with a 250 km ride later in the year.
More success stories
Check out some of our other client of the months; Jen and Tom getting ready for their wedding, Chris winning over his flabby glutes, and Astrid who is chasing medals!
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary