5 reasons you’re not losing that weight

weight-loss-plateau Weight loss is a long journey; success requires discipline, motivation, support and a whole lot of stubbornness! Here are some tips on what to think about if you are not losing that weight as quickly as you had hoped.

1. Not planning your meals

Planning ahead and preparing your meals takes a bit of time, but at the end that will benefit you because you will always be prepared and not have to find quick alternatives which are usually not so healthy. Preparing your meals for the week on a Sunday makes it easy to just grab the boxes from the fridge and you don’t have to spend time cooking every day. Also packing your snacks the evening before so you don’t have to stress in the morning is a good trick to be prepared when the hunger and cravings start sneaking up on you.

2. Eating too quickly

When you chew food, there are messages being sent to the brain and the more you chew the brain will get the message that you are full. For better nutrient absorption it is also good to chew your food properly at least twelve times.

3. Skipping meals

By skipping a meal you might think that you are saving calories but in fact, those calories usually show up later during the day when your blood sugar levels are lower and you are having cravings. This most likely leads to you overeating later in the day or adding unhealthy snacks like chips or sweets. Plan your meals and eat regularly to avoid blood sugar dips.

4. Aiming for a target weightfruit and veg2

Many people who are trying to lose weight are after the number on the scale they used to be, for example before they had their first child, or when they were in their 20s. Your body changes with age and the experiences that you put it through, so to aim for what one time was your body might not be realistic. Instead, follow an exercise and nutrition plan that is realistic.

5. You fall off the wagon

Everyone can have a bad day, even the most disciplined person can sometimes fall off the wagon, but that is no reason to give up. If you have a bad day, don’t let the all or nothing approach (“I’ve had a couple of biscuits, I might as well eat the whole packet” or “It’s only Wednesday and I’ve already had a cheat meal, the week is ruined now so I’ll get back on the diet next Monday instead”) get you and give up, instead get back on to your plan and show that you are not a quitter and that one bad day is nothing in the grand scheme of things.