From Our Blog

Happy New Financial Year!

It’s the 1st of July, the start of a new business year, it’s also worth noting that six months have passed since many people set their health, fitness, or weight loss resolutions for 2023. However, studies reveal that over 90% of people give up on their New Year’s resolution within the first three months. And... Read more »
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9 Ways to make sure 2023 is your Year!

Happy New Year! The last few years have been a hot mess. 2023 is the year that we are finally getting back to normal. Back to work, school, travel, and.. our favourite, back to fitness! With the New Year comes that familiar feeling of a fresh start, new pathways, and the ever-popular New Year’s resolutions.... Read more »
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Training during lockdown

During this crazy lockdown period it can seem hard to exercise at home, with gyms closed, playgrounds closed and limited space and equipment. But it’s worth the effort! Here’s a few reasons. Exercise boosts your immune system, helping you to stay healthy. Exercise also helps improve mood, reducing anxiety and depression, reduces stress (which we... Read more »
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Home schooling workout ideas

During this crazy lockdown period it can seem hard to exercise at home, with gyms closed, playgrounds closed and limited space and equipment. Especially if you’re also trying to homeschool your kids for the first time! But it’s worth the effort! Here’s a few reasons. Exercise boosts your immune system, helping you to stay healthy.... Read more »
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How to exercise during lockdown with a baby

During this crazy lockdown period it can seem hard to exercise at home, especially when you’re at home with a baby. You might only get small windows of time when the baby is happy, or sleeping where you can squeeze in a short workout session. Exercise boosts your immune system, helping you to stay healthy.... Read more »
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Training during lockdown for over 60s

During this crazy lockdown period it can seem hard to exercise at home, you might be worried you’ll hurt yourself, you might not know what to do, or you might just not have the motivation. But there’s a number of very good reasons to get moving and keep moving during this time. Exercise boosts your... Read more »
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What is Online Personal Training?

We all know how important exercise is to both physical and mental health, and during this time of high stress and feelings of social isolation, looking after our health is even more important! With gyms closed, many people are now looking to online options to help them keep fit. While we agree that nothing beats... Read more »
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