Starting from scratch
About 18 months ago, Jason Deacon decided to start doing Personal Training. He was unfit and over weight, and when he started having muscular back problems which impacted on both work and life in general, he knew that he had to do something about it and he took his first steps on his fitness journey that has taken him on a wild ride!
15 chin-ups and 110 kg bench press
When Jason started doing Personal Training with Fitness Enhancement, his goals were simple; lose weight and improve his fitness. To date he has lost 21 kg, can now do up to 15 unassisted chin-ups and he can bench press 110 kg! From not having any specific training goals, Jason has improved his fitness and strength massively, but not only that, his attitude towards health and fitness has changed and he loves every session (however hard the trainers make it, he always finishes it). Bench press is also his favourite exercise, no wonder with those fantastic results! He doesn’t like burpees and running as much though, but still occasionally does both of them thanks to his trainers. Jason likes getting to train with different trainers and they all have great personalities, different trainers changes up the routines and hence the results.
Jason says that “When I have a session booked in, I won’t back out no matter what, Personal Training has so much more accountability than if I had just joined a gym”.
Family and work health
For the future Jason is planning to lose another 12-14 kg, and get his body fat percentage under 17. He wants to stay in good health and keep his back in good condition. Jason has also gotten his family involved with his wife and son also doing Personal Training at Fitness Enhancement. He recognises the importance of looking after the health of his staff as well with many team members from his companies LCIT Dynamics and iOnline Web Design doing a weekly Corporate Fitness Session with a Fitness Enhancement Trainer. Jason’s view on health and fitness has changed, and he loves being able to get others involved and thinks it is important to invest in staff health for a better team environment and also productivity and health.
More success stories
Check out some of our other client of the month; Simon won over his auto immune disease, Astrid who became a runner and is now chasing medals, and Jen and Tom who train together for their wedding.
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary