From Our Blog

Bar push-up exercises for seniors

Are you a senior looking to tone up and get stronger? We have the perfect exercise routine for you. Bar push-ups are an excellent way to advance in your fitness journey. If you feel brave, this can quickly be done at home with a kitchen bench or even on the ground! So, even if you... Read more »
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Fall prevention exercises for seniors

Balance and coordination can deteriorate with age. Hence, it is essential to take extra precautions when doing physical activities. Falls can be severe and should be avoided at all costs. In this blog, we’re going to discuss a few exercises designed specifically to help older adults prevent falls. Our NDIS-registered personal trainers recommend these fall... Read more »
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Balance exercises for seniors

Balance exercises are essential for improving stability, coordination, overall wellness, and fall prevention. If you’re a senior looking for fun ways to challenge your balance, look no further! There are so many outstanding balance and strength exercises that you can do at home or with one of our excellent personal trainers. Today, we’ll discuss an... Read more »
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Easy at-home seated exercises

When you’re beginning at exercise it’s a great idea to start with very simple exercises that start you activating muscles around the major joints, and building up some core strength, while your body is in a stable position to reduce the risk of falls and injury. Sitting down in a comfortable and stable chair is... Read more »
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Easy at-home seated stretches

Stretching is one of the easiest things we can do to improve our mobility, ability to perform daily tasks, relieve muscle tension, and prevent injuries. Stretching doesn’t have to take a long time or be difficult. In fact stretching should be relaxing, enjoyable and help to alleviate the aches and pains that come from overly tight... Read more »
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56 different exercises you can do with a step

We often have people asking us ‘But don’t you need a gym to work out?’ One of our specialties at Fitness Enhancement is Mobile Personal Training, where WE come to YOU, it might be at your home, at your business, in a park or wherever suits you. We really believe that there are hundreds of... Read more »
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How to push up correctly

A push movement is a great way to engage most of the important muscles around our chest and shoulders, and when the elbow extends it uses the triceps too. Pushing movements are used in every-day life when moving furniture, pushing open a heavy door or window, pushing a stroller or shopping trolley, throwing a ball,... Read more »
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How to pull correctly

A seated row with a resistance band is a good way to master the action of engaging the subtle muscles between the shoulder blades and the back of the shoulder, without also having to hold yourself in a challenging bent-over position (like in a bent over row). Once you have mastered it seated, you can... Read more »
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How to crunch correctly

Crunch A crunch is an important movement to master because it is used regularly when changing body positions and moving around in daily life; the muscles involved in a crunch are crucial for maintaining core strength, stability and correct posture.  There is always debate about crunches being effective, however I believe  that a crunch is... Read more »
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