How to optimise your energy levels

JumpingDo you feel sluggish and often lack energy? Check out these tips on how you can optimise your energy levels.

1. Spice your water

Adding ginger, lemon juice, and honey to your water can give you energy and make you feel fresher for long days. Keep a jug of water in the fridge and add these ingredients, then you can sip on it all day.

2. Sleep well

There is no magic trick to overcome bad sleeping habits. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. If you find it hard to fall asleep at night, try and exclude all electronic devices from your bedroom and make sure the room is dark. To get good sleeping habits it is beneficial to try and have the same bedtime and wake up times every day, even on weekends. If you have young kids it can be quite the challenge to get enough sleep, so sleep when you get a chance, short micro naps can do wonders for our energy levels so sleep when the baby sleeps.

3. Exercise

Exercise gives you energy and makes you stronger, it releases endorphins that make you feel happy and energetic so on days when you are tired and feel sluggish it is extra important to get that exercise happening. At the same time, too much exercise can be bad for our energy levels so always plan your exercise schedule.

4. Exclude alcoholoffice low back

When you drink alcohol, the body will focus on getting rid of it which takes a lot of energy. Staying of alcohol for a month is a good challenge to see how different you feel after not having it and letting your body rest from alcohol.

5. Stretching

Stretching lengthens your muscles and releases the stress that is built up in your muscles. Having tension in your muscles requires constant work by your muscles so by relieving it with stretching it frees up energy.

6. Move

Simply move more. It doesn’t have to officially be “exercise”, it can be as simple as taking the stairs not the life. Or walking when you’re on the phone. Or getting up from you’re desk chair every 20 minutes. Or better yet, try a standing desk. You’ll not only feel more energetic, you’ll burn a lot more calories!

7. Think positive

We’ve all heard quotes like “believe it, achieve it” or “whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re probably right”, and we all know how important positive thinking is, so just do it! Feel energetic can be a state of mind at times!