From Our Blog

Trainer bio Jill Wemyss

Jill Wemyss is one of our mobile Personal Trainers in Melbourne, she is passionate about health and fitness and loves gymnastics! Gymnastics and a passion for health Jill grew up in Melbourne doing gymnastics and tennis for 1years, she was very successful and won two gold medals in gymnastics. From years working in retail, Jill... Read more »
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5 Myths about Exercise and Older Adults Debunked!

Are you worried about your age and exercise? Don’t let your fear get in your way! Exercise is a fundamental necessity when it comes to maintaining your strength, independence, agility and mental health as you get older. This doesn’t mean that you need to train for a marathon or start a bodybuilding program. It just... Read more »
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66 fit ball exercises

Our creative trainers are going to show you 66 different fit ball exercises.   Like most of the tools we use, the fit ball is one of those great pieces of equipment that offers an amazing amount of variety for all levels of fitness and goals.  One of the great things about using a fit ball is... Read more »
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How to outsmart your hunger

Being hungry can be one of the worst things ever, your tummy is growling and you have no energy, the quick fix is eating something and that something is usually not something healthy… Here are a few tips to outsmart your hunger so that you are not giving in to cravings. Hunger hormone Leptin is... Read more »
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Top 5 Breakfast-on-the-run ideas

Make your busy life easier We know life can be very busy in the mornings rushing to get kids ready and out of the door for school, pets needing walking and feeding, your significant other needing help and then getting yourself ready on top of that, but that is NO EXCUSE for not eating breakfast!... Read more »
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Squat for a stronger faster run

It may seem a little bit strange to do resistance training to improve your cardio fitness, but all the top runners (recreational and athletes) do it! Lower body exercises like Squats and Lunges can help build your strength, power and build your speed when running. This is because the more muscle you have, the more... Read more »
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Burn Fat In 20 Minutes or Less

Benefits of HIIT training HIIT Training or High Intensity Interval Training is a workout where you are required to alternate between periods of high intensity or near maximal effort, and lower intensity activity for a given period of time. HIIT workouts demand near maximal efforts so therefore do not need to be as long as... Read more »
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Fit Tips from the Experts

Be More Flexible Spend twice as much time stretching your tight muscles as your flexible muscles. Focus on problem areas instead of muscles that are already flexible. Typical problem areas are the chest, hamstrings, shoulders and lower back. Loosen Your Hips Keep your heels on the floor when you squat. If you can’t, your hip... Read more »
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The world’s best cardio machine

We have so many options on the Gold Coast, but we reckon that this is one of the world’s best cardio machines. It burns around 135 calories in 10 minutes and you can use it at home rain, hail or shine. If you don’t think it’s the best, you’ll certainly agree it’s the best value... Read more »
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Top 5 Winter Fit Tips

Adelaide winters can be quite cold, and during this season, we can all relate to the struggles of getting out of bed in the morning. However, there’s an excellent way to that can help motivate you to overcome those struggles and stay committed to your fitness goals. Here are our top tips for how to... Read more »
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