Opt for non-chocolate gifts
Most of us give and receive chocolate gifts from friends and family at Easter. Instead, why not chat to your family and opt for non-chocolate gifts. Exchange your favourite book or magazine for a read over the long weekend. You might choose healthy options like a fruit basket, or something longer lasting like a plant or jewellery. You might even get creative and say all gifts must be hand-made! You can make fun kids baskets with bunny toys, stationary, craft activities and books.
Treat yourself on just one day
We’re not saying you can’t have ANY treats at Easter, but we’re suggesting you pick just ONE day to indulge. Have your day of indulgence over the weekend and get rid of the leftovers on Monday morning so you can get back on track by the time you’re back at work on Tuesday.
Choose smaller eggs
Instead of choosing the biggest egg or bunny, try buying just a few individually wrapped little ones. Once you open a bunny or egg, you’re likely to eat the whole thing, so opting for smaller individually wrapped treats will help you control your intake. Just for example – one small Cadbury solid egg is 150kj, whereas a larger hollow Cadbury egg is 2355kJ.
Don’t skip exercise
Just because the Easter long weekend is 4 days off work, don’t take 4 days off your training schedule. In fact because you’re not at work, you should have more time to exercise. Try to fit in a workout every day, even if it’s just a walk, make it a bit faster and a bit longer than normal and call it a cardio session.
Gather the family around exercise 
Instead of gathering around a big BBQ or a restaurant table, gather the family around something fun and active. You could organise a family tennis tournament, a trip to the beach for beach volleyball or cricket. Meet up at the park for a game of footy or soccer. Go for a family hike or bike ride. Make the day about bonding and activity, rather than food.
Make healthy food choices
If you go out to a restaurant plan ahead by looking up the menu online and choosing the healthiest option before you arrive. This makes your decision easier on the day, helping you avoid bad food choices. If you’re at a BBQ or family event fill your plate with vegetables, keep your protein to a fist sized serving and minimise your portions of processed carbs, anything creamy or fatty. After you’ve finished chew minty gum to avoid mindless munching.