Fitness Enhancement Personal Trainer Neil Geddes, who is based in Aspley Brisbane has some tips for you on functional mobility exercises and foam rolling. Neil is a highly experienced Trainer, dad of three kids and our Fitness Enhancement Personal Training Aspley Franchisee. He also covers other suburbs in Brisbane such as Albany Creek and Bridgeman Downs.
Team, as promised here is Fitness Enhancement Aspley’s follow up video to our article on Prehab vs Rehab. Now this video includes an abridged version of the warm up I use both for myself for my own training, and many of my clients. I personally believe that a comprehensive functional mobility based warm up plays a pivotal role in injury prevention. So as well as movement patterns designed to mobile the joints and activate muscle fibers, tendons and ligaments, you will see an array of foam rolling techniques, accu-pressure ball techniques and even techniques using a barbell for the more limber and supple amongst us. Now bear in mind, everything you see in this video is just the tip of the ice berg! Our trainers are experts in Personal Training and have numerous ways to conduct warm ups, activate muscle fibers, stretch and release tight, sore muscles and so much more.
Remember, the key take points for a good warm up are as follows:
- Raise the bodies core temperature slightly to prepare you body for the forthcoming workout (i.e. ‘warm up’)
- Mobilize joints to be used during training
- Activate muscles, tendons and ligaments to be used during training and,
- If heavy weights are to be used, warm up sets of increasing resistance