Strengthening exercises for rounded shoulders – 5 easy ways for a better posture

What does having ‘roungood,bad postureded shoulders’ mean?

Rounded shoulders are a very common postural issue. You’ve probably seen someone with a very bad posture with their shoulders slouching forward. Having rounded shoulders means that your shoulder position has moved forward from its ideal alignment.

In general, having poor posture habits is the most common reason for having rounded shoulders. Overly tight chest muscles, weak upper back muscles, muscle imbalances, sleeping in a bad position or slouching when seated can also contribute to the problem. Having rounded shoulders can result in unnecessary pain and tension in the upper body, neck, and shoulders, but it also increases the risk of shoulder impingement and a chance of further injury.

Sitting at your desk all day bent over a computer screen or driving for prolonged periods will put you in a higher risk of having rounded shoulders. Only focusing on chest strength at the gym and neglecting the upper back muscles can also lead to having rounded shoulders. It’s highly important to focus on strengthening your body all over to avoid any kind of muscle imbalances. Our Personal Trainers can help you get started on your fitness journey or help correct your form and get you on the right track!

Regular stretching and strengthening can help you move your shoulder position back to its ideal alignment.  Here are some easy and simple strengthening exercises for keeping your shoulders healthy. These exercises can be done anywhere with minimal equipment!

Floor Y-raise

  • Lie on your stomach on a comfortable surface
  • Bring your arms straight over your head to form a y-shape
  • Raise your arms as high as you can without forcing while keeping your forehead on the floor
  • Repeat 2 sets of 15 repetitions

Floor T-raise

  • Lie on your stomach on a comfortable surface
  • Bring your arms straight over your head to form a t-shape
  • Raise your arms as high as you can without forcing while keeping your forehead on the floor
  • Repeat 2 sets of 15 repetitions

Floor I-raise

  • Lie on your stomach on a comfortable surface
  • Bring your arms straight over your head to form an I-shape
  • Raise your arms as high as you can without forcing while keeping your forehead on the floor
  • Repeat 2 sets of 15 repetitions

Shoulder blade squeeze

  • Find a towel, broom or anything else you have available
  • Hold on to the towel palms up, hands shoulder width apart
  • Start with your elbows at 90-degree angle
  • Squeeze your elbows in and draw your shoulder blades together
  • Repeat 2 sets of 15 repetitions
 Shoulder squeeze all

Thoracic extension

  • Get on all fours on a comfortable surface
  • Place one hand on the side of your head with your elbow bent
  • Twist your torso and shoulders to touch your elbow onto the opposite forearm
  • Then twist to the other direction, opening your body to the side and reaching your elbow upwards
  • Repeat 2 sets of 15 repetitions for each side
 thoracic extension all