Forget crowded Gyms - our sessions are private, personalised & run by ladies only
Results don’t come from fancy Gym machines; they come from a knowledgeable and an experienced Female Trainer who understands you and your unique goals. It’s one of the reasons our Mobile Personal Trainers Brisbane can get you the same great results as coming to our Studio, and way better results than any Gym. You don’t need much room, any small backyard, garage or lounge room is plenty of space! Check out the videos of our sessions at our Studio and you’ll notice that unless your goal is to lift huge weights, most of the exercises can be done with the gear our Mobile Trainers bring to you.
Convenient training sessions
Don’t have the time to waste driving to a Gym, parking and then queuing for gear? Too tired to get home from work then go out again for the Gym? Problem solved!  Your Mobile Personal Trainer will come to your Brisbane home whenever you like from 5am to 9pm. And if you travel for work we have Trainers throughout most of Australia.
Juggling kids and home life and can’t get away from the house? We’re more than happy for them to play while you train, or feel free to interrupt your session to attend to your kids. What a great example you’ll be setting working out in front of them!
We all know how much easier it is to shop from home or even work from home, so why not get fit and lose weight from home?
100% Private Studio, Your home, resort Gym, park, beach, work or anywhere you like
We can train you anywhere that suits you, and it’s fine to mix and match your location depending on the weather or your work. Train with friends or family for just an extra $10 per person per session, or ask about our group sessions, it can work out to be even cheaper than a Gym membership!
Or if you’d prefer, come to our Woollongong 100% Private Personal Training Studio, our one-on-one sessions are in one of our three 100% private training rooms, so you’ll get the benefits of more gym equipment, without the prying eyes and posers.