Set up the workout
For this workout you’ll need to set out an area 20 large paces in length. You could use cones to mark the area, but if you don’t have any, you could use shirts, water bottles or bags to mark your workout area.
Always make sure you warm up before exercising – start with a short walk or jog then take a few minutes to do some stretching and mobility work in order to avoid injury.
Once you have finished your warm up, start at one end of your marked area. Run to the end of your marked area and perform the following circuit:
The Circuit
1: 10 Get Ups – Start lying on the floor, then get up to a standing position. Lie back down and repeat the movement.
2: 15 Mountain Climbers (on each leg) – Start in a plank position (up on your hands and your toes) raise one knee in towards your chest then return to your starting position. Alternate legs as fast as you can, keeping your torso low, and abs working hard.
3: 20 Side Plank Raises (10 on each side) – Lie on your side with your bottom leg bent and your top leg straight (both legs straight for an advanced version) squeeze your abs and lift your body up until you are on your elbow and knee. Lower back to the ground and repeat.
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Once you have completed the circuit, run back to the other end and repeat. See how many times you can complete the circuit in 20 minutes.
Remember, if you are new to exercise, or have any injuries or medical conditions, always check with your doctor before exercising.
If you’d like some more information about working with one of our friendly and knowledgeable personal trainers, please give us a call. We’d love to help you to reach your fitness goals. We also have Personal Trainers in Redcliffe and North Lakes!