Martial Arts Training at Fitness Enhancement

Are you looking for a place to do your favourite martial arts with someone to guide you? One common enquiry we receive is about martial arts training, and we boast some of our Personal Trainers who are specifically skilled in martial arts, offering a diverse and inclusive space for individuals keen on exploring this dynamic... Read more »
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Strength Training Without the Bulk

One common concern, particularly from females, revolves around the misconception of bulking up through strength training. There’s a prevailing myth that lifting heavy weights will lead to a physique similar to bodybuilder. It’s crucial to debunk this myth and emphasise the benefits of strength training without the fear of getting too bulky. Yes, it’s possible... Read more »
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Personal Training for Seniors

Fitness Enhancement is a personal training company dedicated to helping individuals of all abilities, levels, and ages, including seniors in their 60s, 70s, 80s, or even 90s, achieve their fitness goals. With a presence in 3000 suburbs across 9 major cities, we take pride in offering personalised training programs tailored to individual needs and abilities. ... Read more »
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Happy New Financial Year!

It’s the 1st of July, the start of a new business year, it’s also worth noting that six months have passed since many people set their health, fitness, or weight loss resolutions for 2023. However, studies reveal that over 90% of people give up on their New Year’s resolution within the first three months. And... Read more »
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Bar push-up exercises for seniors

Are you a senior looking to tone up and get stronger? We have the perfect exercise routine for you. Bar push-ups are an excellent way to advance in your fitness journey. If you feel brave, this can quickly be done at home with a kitchen bench or even on the ground! So, even if you... Read more »
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Fall prevention exercises for seniors

Balance and coordination can deteriorate with age. Hence, it is essential to take extra precautions when doing physical activities. Falls can be severe and should be avoided at all costs. In this blog, we’re going to discuss a few exercises designed specifically to help older adults prevent falls. Our NDIS-registered personal trainers recommend these fall... Read more »
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Balance exercises for seniors

Balance exercises are essential for improving stability, coordination, overall wellness, and fall prevention. If you’re a senior looking for fun ways to challenge your balance, look no further! There are so many outstanding balance and strength exercises that you can do at home or with one of our excellent personal trainers. Today, we’ll discuss an... Read more »
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9 Ways to make sure 2023 is your Year!

Happy New Year! The last few years have been a hot mess. 2023 is the year that we are finally getting back to normal. Back to work, school, travel, and.. our favourite, back to fitness! With the New Year comes that familiar feeling of a fresh start, new pathways, and the ever-popular New Year’s resolutions.... Read more »
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