Three quick tips from Bondi Personal Trainer Sue Stedman
Flatten Your Gut
Work your invisible abdominal muscles. Your transversus abdominis lies beneath your rectus abdominis—the six-pack muscle—and flattens your waistline when you suck in your gut. Work it with the vacuum: Pull your belly button toward your spine and hold for 10 seconds while breathing normally. Repeat five times.
Lose Your Weak Spot
If you don’t like an exercise, start doing it. You’re probably avoiding it because you’re weak at it, so the more you start doing the exercise (burpees/plank), the stronger you will get at it, the more you might start to possibly enjoy doing it!
Kill Your Excuse
If you think you’re too busy to exercise, try this experiment: For one day, schedule a time to work out, and then stick to it—even if you can exercise for only 10 minutes. “At the end of the day, ask yourself if you were any less productive than usual,” says John Jakicic, Ph.D., an exercise psychologist at the Brown University school of medicine. The answer will probably be no—and your favourite excuse will be gone